Mum says that I always cried and never slept as a baby. Except when I
was tucked up in a pram. Boating was my life.
A muscular ilness finaly grounded me some years ago. I didnīt get in, out or
about in any boat anymore. A hard time.
Little by little I began to plan a new type of boat. I dropped my ballast of
" must" on boats, their shape, materials, building and tradition. I landed on a
hull similar to the Brazil "Jangada". They been around 6 000 years now.
4.97 x 1.88 meter. .33 meter between bottom and deck. Deck, sides and internal strukture
from 4.5 mm birch plywood. Bottom from 6 mm. Transom from 2 x 4.5. A simple tape and
gluejob. Heavy glass on bottom and sides and light glass on deck. A "fence"
around, a drawbridge in front and a sofa in the back. Sideboards a lá Michalak. Two short
masts, a balanced lug (keeps the sheet forces down) main (6.29 sq meter) and a standing
lug (keeps the rear area free) mizzen (2.07sq meter). Rudder with a folding blade.
Steering in Faeroe Island and Norwedgian way. (On top of rudder a short stick out to the
side. A long stick on the short. Steer by pull and push. Keeps the rear area free.)
Started to build in spring 1998 and launched on the 17:th of October. Two weeks
before the first snow. So many wasted years. Now I saw my daughter (7 at the time)
handle a small ordinary row/motorboat and decided to build a sailing one to her 8th
birthday. No boat has probably been ready on the right day. Not this one eighter, but in
January we have 0,7 meter ice anyhow. The building procedure is very simple. The bent
plywood is very very strong. I believe that a "two sheet in length"-boat also
could be made from 4.5 mm birch plywood.
Chuck is kind to show some pic of the boats! If he allow their will be picīs of boats
under sail and a fulI report on how they handle. ( Note: I
am looking forward to it, Dejan ) I want to thank Chuck and hope to
inspire You to build a boat. I could!
But I donīt know what to call the type of boat I built first.
Mail Chuck a suggestion!
Dejan Petrovicī