The 15th or 16th (can't remember
which) Midwest Messabout will be held the weekend of June 11-13,
2004 at Gun Creek Campground on Rend Lake in South Central Illinois,
I have reserved campspots #55 and #56 (on the "Cardinal"
loop) which are the same two spots that I reserved last year,
and I assume that they will again serve as "ground zero"
for the activities. Since I really have no need for two whole
campspots, I am more than willing to share; there can be up to
three "vehicles" on each spot. Last year no one took
me up on the offer until about 3 weeks before the meet, then everyone
wanted to.

Rav Davis' AF4 was just one of the boats
last year
I do have one "SkiffAmerca 20" signed-up for one of
the spots that I have reserved.
You can also make your own reservations here:
We had lots-o-them home-made boats last year; hope to have an
equally impressive turn-out this time.
Saturday supper is a "group effort;" As always, everyone
will vote on the menu, which will be hamburgers and hot-dogs,
and then a couple of us will run into town to pick-up the supplies.
You can bring a dish if you want, but it is certainly not necessary.
Donations to the "food fund" always appreciated.
For the last several years, the Midwest Messabout has been the
"high point" of my summer, which either means it is
really, really fun, or my summers are exceedingly dull.
If ya don't show-up, you will never know the answer to that question.
Max |