Each new design from Warren Messer seems prettier and more 'boaty' than the one before. Here are two new designs that are ready to print and model - full scale plans will be along soon. |
Granville Bay
This hull was named after my best friend of 36 years. I had been working on the 12ft Padilla Bay skiff, and showed Nick the finished model. He liked the hull, but was more partial to the rounder bottoms of boats like my Laura Bay and PUD-g design. Ok, I'll see what I can do.
I had been working on a model with a wineglass transom, but was having a hard time getting the bottom two panels to twist enough to come together at the stern. I have since found a way to do this, but not for this hull. This one will use a "keel strip" that starts from about the last 1/3 of the hull, and extends to the bottom of the stern panel to give it a straight keel to sit on. It should be about 3" to 4" high at the stern. You will need to make one freehand for your PDF model.

I haven't done a "tank test" with scale weights yet, but it should be light on its keel. I tried to keep all the volume in the stern area that I could, and still have enough "up sweep" to give the hull some style. The beam will be between 54" and 56", and there should be plenty of freeboard when loaded. Maximum people weight should be around 2 ½ persons, with an optimal weight of two. This hull will also be CE/CLR balanced to use my 64sqft sprit sail, and should have more than enough power to make you grin. Easy rowing is a given. ;)
I like all my designs, but have to admit that this hull is my favorite so far. I could sit all morning watching it spin slowly in the air currents over my kitchen counter. I have taken up wood carving after Santa brought me a set of FlexCut carving tools for Christmas, and I think a spread winged eagle on the transom would look great.
Let me know what you think of the hull. It will probably be a late 2008 construction.
Warren Messer
Red Barn Boats
click the image at left for a free PDF file to print and build a model from. |
Padilla Bay Skiff
This was the first skiff design that I had worked on. I wanted to fill in my designed fleet of boats to include all the different hull types. My other flat bottomed boat designs were aimed toward the stable platforms desired by fly fishermen. This hull would give that same feeling of initial stability, and the ability to remain stable when getting in and out of the hull at the waters edge.

My design motto is "Stitch and Glue, and Stylish Too"; and this hull was going to continue that theme. I wanted to add a refined/stylized transom to the hull, and that was the first panel I laid out on my computer screen. I then lifted some side panels from the Laura Bay, and stretched them out to what I thought would be the correct length for a 12ft hull. Then came the model building and the numerous changes from version to version (at least 20). The changes ranged from bow and transom angles, to the amount of rocker in the bottom panel. This hull got pigeon holed for a while, when I decided to stretch it out to 14ft. Then along came the double ended version (Chocolate Bay), and the wider transom version (Liberty Bay). All three of the 14 foot designs are completed, but waiting for me to get around to building the prototypes; but first I need a bigger shop. Maybe in Port Townsend. :)

There may or may not be any more modifications to this hull, as I haven't marked up any changes to the last model that hangs over my kitchen counter. As I sit there in the mornings pondering the world, I watch all the models twirl on their strings from any stray air currents that pass by them. Usually something catches my eye that needs a little "tweaking", and I do that to each design until I build the prototype. This model has remained mark free for a long time, but things change, and this model probably will have modifications before it get built.
Its a pretty little boat, and it should be a good rowing hull. My designs tend to sit high in the water like a good skimming dish, and a sliding seat should make the 12 ft Padilla Bay scoot across the water. It should handle well with the 64sqft sprit sail I designed with Neil Pryde Sails.
Warren Messer
Red Barn Boats
click the image at left for a free PDF file to print and build a model from. |