Stornoway 14
I launched my boat on Saturday and went for a sail again today.
There are numerous things I will improve but everything works
SFD forum has been a valuable source of information,
when I have posted questions there have been good answers in response
but more frequently the question has already been asked and answered.
Why only a few minutes ago I found postings giving a couple of
solutions to stop the centreboard vibrating - who needs an engine
when a bit of wood can make that kind of noise!
Thanks to all of you who share your knowledge.

Blue Peter
John Turpin launched “Blue Peter” recently near
his home in Edmond, Oklahoma. She is a Lapwing 16 designed by
Graham Byrnes of B&B Yachts’.

More at John’s website:
Mushulu 12
We have another LAUNCH DAY!!. Bruce who was building the Mushulu
12 and is now also building the Mushulu 14, has just launched
his Mushulu 12. Great pictures!! He also now features on our "HOME"
page on our website under "New
the link to Bruce's other pictures on our forum.
Have a good one Mark.
What a great feeling it was to be able to see the end result
of a job that, due to work commitments, took a lot longer than
I had ever imagined, even though it was an easy build thanks to
marks easy read and follow plans. I really do like the overall
shape and lines of the boat compared to any other ones that I
have seen around. We run a family day care centre here and while
the build was happening, some of the comments coming from the
fathers and mothers were pretty amazing. Also other people that
had reason to be here were very impressed with the design as well.
We do live over an hour's drive from the coast so we were both
keen to get the boat in the water ASAP. So last weekend a small
window of opportunity shone through time wise and Sue said on
friday night, "Why don't we put the boat in tomorrow".
So Saturday morning arrives and with the boat packed with crab
pots, rods, esky landing net, 2 beers... We We're Off.

We got to the ramp and there's about 8 cars with trailers and,
not a soul in sight. So we put the boat in and Sue took a few
photos of me showing off first and the first thing I noticed was
how good the boat handled. The turning capabilities was something
that really stood out. We also came across some quite large chop
with a lot of wind as we headed down stream, yet the shape of
the hull just seemed to keep nearly all of the spray out. So we
were impressed again, needless to say we turned around and headed
back up stream. I put a 15 hp outboard on our boat and that is
more than what we needed for power. So all was good. The sad part
was, we only caught 2 huge bucks and 3 jacks. Worse still, I can't
remember where we got them. So we will have to go back and try
again... "If only I can remember where the boat ramp was"
(ha ha)
Bruce |
After more than 25 years I went sailing on Saturday. I was out
for nearly 8 hours getting used to the new boat. I am sure glad
I built the Duck. I posted a few pictures in the #435
Duck folder.

Denis #435 Ducki Onoway, Alberta |
These are a few pictures of the 15'6" pulling boat I completed
in June 2010. The boat lines were based on 1985 plans by Joe
Dobler but with many simplifications and materials
of the Otter 16 plans by Jacques Mertans. I added some of my own
features drawn from my experience building a 7'3" version
of the Dobler Pepita.
This first launch is the rowing version. A gunter sailing rig
is under construction. More
pics here.

Justin Pipkorn