Friends are entering this. Makes a change from Texas or Florida. And you get to build a boat!
Richard Woods
The First Trans-Atlantic "Carbon-Neutral" Delivery of Chocolate.
Jim Shaw |
Maybe we should try this one for Loire II or Morbihan.
Brian A |
A good read about a sailing family in the paper.
Joe |
Have you seen this?
Dan Roberts |
Lessons of the war with Spain and other articles, by Alfred T. Mahan
The Crisis of the Naval War, by John Rushworth Jellicoe
The Press-Gang Afloat and Ashore by John R. Hutchinson |
Not much else to do with the boat at this point in time other than spruce it up for a raid on the Woodenboat show:
Reconditioning the oars and making the leathers was a lot of fun that paid off in the short term. I learned 10 ways not to remove the glued on leathers.
David |
There is something here in MN called "Your Boat Club" (https://www. yourboatclub. com). It is kind of a boat rental type deal, one joins, pays a yearly fee, can take out any number of boats on any number of lakes in the area.
Seth |
Video of a calm day on the Columbia.
John Kohnen |
From Duckworks - easier set-up and not s&g.
Finished an technology in-service today. One project was to create a thingy in Photo Story. I started with some of my pictures and then realized I wanted/needed a bunch more so I bogarted them off of the FL120 group page. Thanks for sharing. I'm a software "Jonah" so it ain't perfect. The presentation is unlisted so here's the link.
John Huft |
My sailing partner Scott Gosnell is building a new boat. Here's his blog.
John Huft |
"The Wooden Boat Rescue Foundation is dedicated to placement, saving, locating, researching, wishing, learning and dreaming of wooden boats. All boats are free."
Looks like they've recently updated their website so that's why the site looks a little sparse like they've just set up shop.
Doubtless many of them fit the definition of a boat (a hole in the water into which one throws immense quantities of money), but also probably a few which are a good deal.
Seth |
I just published an interview with Fred Smith and linked to your article about Smith's Boat Shop (great article!!).
Dan |
I think its a great trip although the term 'paper' is a bit of a stretch. It sure proves anyone can go a long way on very little if they set their minds to it.
Bob |
Here is the first draft of a video comparing what Jim wrote in his prototype design comments verses what we experienced during the TX200.
Sailing from Port Isabel to Port Mansfield-things were getting interesting by 2 pm or so.
Tacking up the Port Mansfield Channel to Camp 1 at the jetties. I had no problems keeping cool in spite of the 100 degree temps.
Chuck P |
This came from one of our members, Okie Bobbie and is beautiful, beautiful boats. Can't help forwarding this because it is what we are all about, building boats.
This year promises to bring lots of gorgeous boats, nice people and fun events, talented designers. I hope Bobbie come back, with or without a boat, and hope the rest of you do as well.
Came across this on youtube and had not seen it, really loved it, watched it twice! By Okie Bobbie who came of course last year. Beautiful boats and beautiful music.
https://groups.yahoo.com/group/SailOKlahoma |
Not knowing who people are talking to on VHF is one of my pet peeves. Some good tips.
Hajo |
Spotted this site via the Sail Design group, thought it worth posting here. Dig down.
Much focus on the Finn dinghy, a very competitive design.
Bob |
Maybe 20 photos, Aran Islands, from the 60s-70s looks like.
Brian |
I just posted the building sequence of my new cruiser on the microcruiser facebook group. Built in 1 month!!
Robb |
You might find Webb Chiles books on his Drascombe Lugger useful.
Richard Woods |
I saw your link to our Lug Nuts article last month (thanks!) and just wanted to point out that John has another article since then that may interest your Duckworks readers: Tracing the Evolution of a Kayak Sailing Rig.
Matt Cordrey
https://www.clcboats.com |