Interesting website for those interested in models
of tall ships, A & J class pond yachts and restoration work.
Article in the online edition of
John Kohnen
I finished the keel of fafnir, 260 kilos. I used
scrap metal in a mold then poured lead to make the breeks. Pictures
at https://fafnirsailboat.blogspot.com
or google [kalamos fafnir].
Please have a look at www.BoatsAndRice.com.
It is basically the skeleton of the (still) forthcoming book "Wooden
Workboats of Viet Nam" I've been working on for the past
five years. A lot of the photos and the basic thread of the thesis
are there. My Lady Wife has done a lovely job at putting all my
stuff together on the site. . .I'm tickled. Ken Preston
I added some pics to the photos section, under
the title "Rushton's
Igo Canoe". She's a SOF modification of Rushton's
Igo design - a more stable hull shape than either the similar
Ugo or the Arkansaw Traveller. 15' x 30" with Western Red
Cedar stringers, steam bent Ash ribs, Redwood trim and a tough,
heavy gauge vinyl skin.
Dave Gentry
My daughter sent me this link, excerpt from a
BBC series. They have stuff on British TV
that folks like us would love to see but never will.
To see pictures of all of the action at the last
few St.
Michaels small craft festivals click on this site.
Barry Long is a professional picture guy and sailor. Here is his
collection of hundreds of pictures taken, you may even see me
in some of them. He's trying to finish up two of the smaller 13
foot "training" melonseeds. You'll see them there this
I finally made a new webpage to show off my underwater
camera housings and wanted to know if you would like to link.
It is at Http://NemoHousing.com
I also have most of the video of my DVD How To make Low Cost Underwater
camera Housings and Bags on youtube now that people can watch
for free.
We finally got round to filming folding and unfolding
the Concertina. You can see it at:
We have also fixed a problem with paypal for customer using IE.
Martin Roberts
The Extreme Sailing Series renowned for delivering
sailing action direct to the public will bring together top racing
and music entertainment in a great line-up for the UK round at
Cowes Week. The ground-breaking circuit, organised by OC Events,
continues to push the boundaries of sailing as an entertainment
product, whilst maintaining the highest level of sporting integrity,
packaged together with on- shore entertainment under OC's new
label 'Sailing RocksT'. Check out the latest
new promo video to see why this circuit is sailing's
hottest property.
Wanna see a spectacular death roll? These are the Fremantle guys from South
Afrika. Fantastic bunch of crazy laser sailors. (And you can't
reef those sails; so they are riding their lasers with full sail
up in gusts up to 45 knots! First one is a run from Rockingham
to Fremantle in 35 knots: Very cool pitchpole at :45, Death roll
in background right at 1:15; death roll at 2:18 looks like he
recuperated. Second
vid is fooling around in the harbor with gusts up
to 45 knots. Death roll at 1:38. And who said sailing didn't have
enough action?!? Hajo
DIY drawings for the Lazy Weekend canoe are
up. This is bare bones and free, I am considering
doing a poor imitation of a Storer style downloadable How To manual
and selling it for $20. Does anyone think there'd be interest
in that? (I can't see why anyone would need more than this, but
some people . . .)
5-10mph winds with some hefty gusts here and there....
had to reef the sail, almost ditched a few times. Here's some
video of my PDR towing 2 kayaks! One
and Two.
My name is Gianfi. I have this blog www.culturamarinara.blogspot.com
I want to tell you the great news of today that is Alessandro
with his
mini6,50 is arrived in France!
I recently built a kit version of the 'Janette'
design by John Welsford. My client has a blog of his continuing
assembly, with some recent posts:
Here's another blog from the construction of a Welsford
David G, Harbor Woodworks
Work Skiff
I have posted a blog about the current state of the build:
David Jost
If any of you are familiar with my previous method
of doing picture essays, please give me feedback on how you like
this new, everything one one page format. I'd gotten
into making slideshows when most people had dial-up connections
to the internet - having more than one picture on a page increased
download time. I've heard people don't like slideshows any more,
but I don't know if that is true or just 'internet hipsters' complaining.
Yet still more video of the 2010 Texas 200 taken
by my friend Noel
Chuck Pierce
I was looking on youtube to see if I could find
videos of anyone making a tin canoe ala Robb white and ran across
a group in Australia doing amazing
things with tin by looking at their videos. Looks
dirt cheap and they are having a ball. Wish they would post construction
Robb Moffett
Please have a look at my site:
It has a link to a youtube video, and you can find more videos
on Snap-Gate when searching. Tom Luque |
You might find this website documenting the current
build of a Percy W. Blandford PBK
18 kayak to be of interest for the next Webwatch.
